Bei dieser Aktion stelle ich euch gern Bücher vor, auf die man durch die Vielfalt von Verlagsvorschauen vielleicht nicht unbedingt aufmerksam wird 😊
of the Damned: Inside the Haunted Prisons, Wards, and Crazy Houses…
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Mental hospitals and prison wards are among the most haunted places on the planet. No one knows why this is true, but it’s a fact that has proven itself all over the world. It seems that when prisoners – either prisoners of society or people imprisoned in their own minds – live anywhere for an extended period of time, a haunting is soon to follow.
And that’s where this book comes in. In it, we are going to explore a variety of mental hospitals, asylums, prisons, and other haunted wards from all over the world. We’ll examine the horrifying events which led to the haunting, then we’ll study the strange yet terrifying events that prove the haunting is real.
Come with me on a journey across the world, searching for and examining the best of all the haunted asylums and prison wards we can find. With a haunting, there’s no forgetting the past or moving on from things that once happened. You are constantly reminded of the horror each person in the situation faced, and are unable to forget that the situation occurred where it did.
Claim Your FREE Bonuses After the Conclusion!
Mental hospitals and prison wards are among the most haunted places on the planet. No one knows why this is true, but it’s a fact that has proven itself all over the world. It seems that when prisoners – either prisoners of society or people imprisoned in their own minds – live anywhere for an extended period of time, a haunting is soon to follow.
And that’s where this book comes in. In it, we are going to explore a variety of mental hospitals, asylums, prisons, and other haunted wards from all over the world. We’ll examine the horrifying events which led to the haunting, then we’ll study the strange yet terrifying events that prove the haunting is real.
Come with me on a journey across the world, searching for and examining the best of all the haunted asylums and prison wards we can find. With a haunting, there’s no forgetting the past or moving on from things that once happened. You are constantly reminded of the horror each person in the situation faced, and are unable to forget that the situation occurred where it did.
(Quelle: Amazon)
Nach etlichen Jahren komme ich nun nicht mehr vorbei an so manch englischen Büchern. Bei Romane komme ich noch drumherum, aber beim Genre Horror und True Crime gibt leider zu viele Bücher, welche nicht im Deutschen erscheinen. Dann müssen sie halt in Englisch her. So auch dieses hier.
Ebenfalls reizvoll vom Autor sind:

Aber Asylums wird mein erster Versuch sein 😍 Da fühle ich mich buchtechnisch einfach immer am "unwohlsten" 😂
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